Spooky Scary Cinema: Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy (2014)


Once Spooky Scary Cinema is over, there will be a special week dedicated to all the numerous films, TV shows and other projects based on Scooby Doo, but for now lets look at the most recent direct-to-DVD film! Scooby Doo as a franchise has only continued to be an important figurehead in cartoon history, with numerous spinoffs, series, films and merchandise around. This particular film looks to make things scary again, as well as look at some of the more well-known tropes of the show. I’ve not been a fan of previous attempts at self-referential humour with Scooby Doo, but can this film get beyond that?

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Adam v. Anita: Dawn of Social Justice

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When it comes to being on the internet, there are some things that you can’t get away from. Whether it’s an all new Ice Bucket challenge videos, or whatever game journalism scandal, I reckon Twitter, Facebook and other Social Networks make every news item seem like a huge deal. But there’s one thing on that gets arguments going on the groups and forums: Anita Sarkeesian. As an admin on a Facebook group, I’ve learnt that any thread that starts along the lines of “Here’s what I think about Anita Sarkeesian” is usually going to end with arguments, hatred, and usually a declaration that it’s not sexist to think Duke Nukem totally holds up as a character. Another thing people mention is that it’s not the whole feminism thing they have a problem with, but the production and screen presence of Anita herself, where she doesn’t know how to perform the most difficult and arduous of things: A Youtube Commentary show. Here’s my thoughts on each of the episodes that have been released so far, with the focus being on the show itself instead of whatever supposed scandals or truths that are being thrown about everywhere. Buckle up, people!

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Adam’s TV Recaps: Doctor Who (2005) – Deep Breath


The opening show I’ll be looking at is something I’ve been keeping up with since it was rebooted, Doctor Who! There have been a lot of ups and downs with this show, whether it involved new actors, new heads of production, or new guys in rubber suits pretending to be aliens. I consider Doctor Who to be one of the most important cultural icons of all time, as the character’s legacy has endured for over fifty years in numerous forms. This is a show that has undergone countless revisions, interpretations and is still the defining cult icon today. Recently, the show was even capable of doing what was thought to be impossible: Breaking through to large American audiences. Matt Smith’s Doctor came at a time when fan communities online could spread the Doctor Gospel as far as possible, especially with social sites such as Tumblr. Today, we have a new version of the Doctor, this time played by Peter Capaldi. Can this new series maintain the widespread of the series?

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Guardians of the Galaxy Spoiler-Based End Credits Impressions


Of course, there’s an after-credits scene in Guardians of the Galaxy, and I enjoyed it as much as the other times Marvel films have shown them. You can read my full review of Guardians of the Galaxy on Boss Dungeon, so click HERE for that. If you haven’t seen it yet, and don’t want to have it spoiled for you, move on nothing to see here read the review first etc. However, I give my impressions anyways!

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Music Review: ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic – Mandatory Fun

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I can review albums on here, right? Wait who am I asking, I made this damn blog. Ah well, I’ve loved Weird Al Yankovic since first hearing his polka medleys when I was younger. Each of his albums and songs have been a great influence on my own sense of humour, and I regularly listen to the parodies more than the actual songs themselves. With his latest album, Weird Al now has to compete with the new developments in music and technology, as Youtube has changed the music parody scene forever. Anyone can upload their own pastiche on the latest hits in a flash, which stands against the album release structure.

Because this is an all new music review, and I may do more of these later, I guess it makes sense to change the way I write about them. I’ll give a quick summary of each song, and an overall impression at the very end as a way to cap the whole experience.

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PSA: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Impressions on Boss Dungeon


You know I’ve been writing recaps and impressions of ‘Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders’, right? I’ve even looked at several of the re-edited films based on the previous chapters of the saga, as well as the English dubbed episodes of Stardust Crusaders! Check them all out here, as well as my all new recaps of the Summer 2014 anime ‘Bakumatsu Rock’!

Boss Dungeon: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure

Boss Dungeon: Bakumatsu Rock


Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)


So, who here actually likes these Transformers films? For me, it would depend on which ones we’re talking about. The first one was great fun, and I’m more than happy to stand up for it. Not a masterpiece, but the action was well done, and I enjoyed myself. However, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was absolutely terrible. The Autobots became impossible to tell apart, the humans were given more time to be unfunny and awkward, and the whole thing was filled with far too much shit. Then the third film called Transformers: Dark of the Moon came out, and people seemed to think that although it was a little bit better than the previous film, it was still terrible. I disagree, as I reckon this film was even worse. The human scenes became an exercise in anti-comedy, where everything about them made me feel sadder and less happy. The plot reached new levels of terribleness and boredom. Each time a well respected thespian came on to very clearly read lines off an auto-cue, I Just got even sadder. It’s everything I could think of when I picture a sad, bad movie. So, will this new film be similarly godawful?

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22 Jump Street (2014)


21 Jump Street was one of the surprise successes of 2012, with the big shock being that a modern film based on an old 80s TV show is actually good. In fact, it may become one of the classic examples of how to do comedy right, and could join the likes of Ghostbusters and Men in Black. However, there’s one thing even those classics couldn’t manage, and that is to make a sequel that are on the same level as the original film. Anchorman was the most recent example I can think of to try it, and I guess it was okay. Nothing on par with the original film though, which is about as good as anyone could hope for. Can 22 Jump Street do better, or is it another lesser sequel?

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Edge of Tomorrow (2014)


Tom Cruise is something of a walking punchline these days, with several infamous moments being burned into people’s memories. For every great performance he gives in a film such as Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, there seems to be millions of Couch-Jumping Youtube Clips, Scientology exposes, and a general consensus that everything about the man is hollow inside. He’s our favourite hero on screen, but he also doubles as our mostĀ infamousĀ villain when he appears on TMZ. As such, each film he does nowadays comes with a probably unfair amount of baggage, although not even that could make Oblivion interesting. However, the trailers for his latest film, ‘Edge of Tomorrow’, have looked good, even if it takes sci-fi concepts used previously (We all remember Source Code, right?). However, this is also based on an original Japanese Light Novel called ‘All You Need is Kill’, which remains a better name. Can the most handsome man in Hollywood excite us once again?

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