Music Review: ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic – Mandatory Fun

weird al

I can review albums on here, right? Wait who am I asking, I made this damn blog. Ah well, I’ve loved Weird Al Yankovic since first hearing his polka medleys when I was younger. Each of his albums and songs have been a great influence on my own sense of humour, and I regularly listen to the parodies more than the actual songs themselves. With his latest album, Weird Al now has to compete with the new developments in music and technology, as Youtube has changed the music parody scene forever. Anyone can upload their own pastiche on the latest hits in a flash, which stands against the album release structure.

Because this is an all new music review, and I may do more of these later, I guess it makes sense to change the way I write about them. I’ll give a quick summary of each song, and an overall impression at the very end as a way to cap the whole experience.

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