Adam v. Anita: Dawn of Social Justice

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When it comes to being on the internet, there are some things that you can’t get away from. Whether it’s an all new Ice Bucket challenge videos, or whatever game journalism scandal, I reckon Twitter, Facebook and other Social Networks make every news item seem like a huge deal. But there’s one thing on that gets arguments going on the groups and forums: Anita Sarkeesian. As an admin on a Facebook group, I’ve learnt that any thread that starts along the lines of “Here’s what I think about Anita Sarkeesian” is usually going to end with arguments, hatred, and usually a declaration that it’s not sexist to think Duke Nukem totally holds up as a character. Another thing people mention is that it’s not the whole feminism thing they have a problem with, but the production and screen presence of Anita herself, where she doesn’t know how to perform the most difficult and arduous of things: A Youtube Commentary show. Here’s my thoughts on each of the episodes that have been released so far, with the focus being on the show itself instead of whatever supposed scandals or truths that are being thrown about everywhere. Buckle up, people!

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