22 Jump Street (2014)


21 Jump Street was one of the surprise successes of 2012, with the big shock being that a modern film based on an old 80s TV show is actually good. In fact, it may become one of the classic examples of how to do comedy right, and could join the likes of Ghostbusters and Men in Black. However, there’s one thing even those classics couldn’t manage, and that is to make a sequel that are on the same level as the original film. Anchorman was the most recent example I can think of to try it, and I guess it was okay. Nothing on par with the original film though, which is about as good as anyone could hope for. Can 22 Jump Street do better, or is it another lesser sequel?

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Muppets: Most Wanted (2014)


First things first, I love the Muppets. In nearly every form they’ve taken, I’ve always had a fondness for them. Whether it’s Fozzie Bear’s terrible jokes, Gonzo’s death-defying stunts, or Kermit’s every-man show-runner, the TV show and the subsequent movies appealed to a part of me that could identify with their specific comedy stylings. So when there was a new film released in 2011, I wasn’t sure how it would turn out. However, it ended up being one of the best possible tributes to the Muppets Legacy, with the film fully understanding not just the strengths of the Muppets, but also the torture and imprisonment of Jack Black. So, things we can all get behind. This new film aims to keep the Muppets in the limelight, with a big ‘Great Muppets Caper’ style trip around the world, complete with heists, chases, and other antics.

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