Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)


I’ve been a big fan of the Marvel Studios films, with one of my particular favourites being Captain America: The First Avenger. A period War film that happened to have superheroes in it, it served as the best possible introduction to the concept of Captain America, from his role as a figurehead in World War 2, and also a potentially retro approach to modern superheroes. As such, I’ve been looking forward to this continuation of the story of Captain America for a while, and the film promising a new interpretation of what Superhero films can do. Does this film live up to the greatness of the Avengers films, as well as the other recent Marvel superhero films? Can the film at the very least be better than Man of Steel? That’s not hard. Still, is this film good? Read on!


(Note: Near the end of this review, I give my thoughts on the final mid-credits and post-credits bonus scenes that Marvel is now famous for including in all their films, so watch out for that if you don’t want that spoilt. I give amble warning for it though, so don’t expect any spoilers in the review itself.)

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