Videogame Adaptations | Silver Screeners


Silver Screeners with Tobiichi and Adam
“Videogame Adaptations

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 Episode two of the all new podcast, and things a continuing at a frightening pace! The big film we talk about this week is ‘Need For Speed’, a heart-warming tale about a stern yet soulful jazz musician who learns to love again. Wait, no, it’s about race car drivers going really fast. My mistake.

This leads to a discussion on some of the more notable films out there based on Videogames, with varying levels of quality for each film! This includes the good (Silent Hill, Street Fighter), the bad (Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li, Super Mario Bros. The Movie), and the icky (Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, anything Uwe Boll made).

Finally, we talk about the Random Netflix Roulette, which lead us to watch ‘Dracula III: Legacy’! Rutger Hauer is in it as Dracula! Jason Scott Lee whips himself a lot! There’s a vampire on stilts! What more could you want?

Follow us both on Twitter, at @AdamOwenFTW and @TobiichiK