Cars (2006)


Pixar stand as one of the greatest animation departments to have ever come from Hollywood, and have made some of the greatest films of our generation. They stood throughout for several decades as the feather in Disney’s cap, with numerous critically acclaimed and profitable masterpieces, such as the Toy Story series, Finding Nemo, Up, WALL-E, and other well known classics. However, recently Pixar have fallen out of favour, with films like Monsters University and Brave receiving less than stellar reviews, and Pixar in general being considered as past their prime. One of the big films that appeared to signal this decline in quality was Cars, a story about cute looking Car People things that have a basic story about life lessons or something. Both this and its sequel have a less than favourable reputation amongst people, with them both considered as just kids films from a studio that should be continuing to appeal to everyone. Are they as bad as everyone make them out to be?

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Need For Speed (2014)


Films based on Video Games are usually terrible. I know, it’s hard to believe, but films such as Double Dragon, Doom, and Super Mario Bros. The Movie are not the best that cinema has to offer. This is something that I hoped Need for Speed wouldn’t repeat, as my love for the recent Fast and Furious films meant that I was more than happy to watch several high-speed car chases, maybe a bare-bones plot that gets sillier as the film goes on, or whatever. Either way, I was happy to get a ticket for this film, hoping it can at least be the start of a new franchise. Well…

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